Seems like people doing Paleo eat all the bacon they want. Is that a good idea?

Well, that depends on your reason for eating Paleo. If your reason is to provide your body with nutrient dense foods, I’d have to lean towards the answer “No.”

Take into consideration the picture of a nutrition label off of a package of regular pork bacon below. As you can see, and as yummy as it tastes, there really isn’t much of a benefit nutritionally speaking when it comes to bacon.

Let’s dissect it a bit.

The science is mixed…

As adults, the recommended daily amount of sodium we should consume is 2300 mg’s, which equals about a teaspoon. Some people will argue that sodium is an essential nutrient, and that’s true, it’s crucial for normal nerve and muscle function. However, it can also be deadly when misused.

Cholesterol falls under that same category: essential for life, but too high of levels can really mess you up. That being said, there are studies that have come out that suggest the cholesterol we consume through foods such as bacon and eggs, doesn’t contribute to blood cholesterol levels.

Saturated fats are the fats that are found in foods that come from animals; red meat, poultry, and full fat dairy products are some examples. These types of fat are known to raise what is known as HDL (many refer to this as “good cholesterol”), but also raise LDL (what many refer to as “bad cholesterol”.) The latter is a contributor in cardiovascular heart disease, or CHD, while HDL is a protectant.

Nutrient density…

As far as the protein and iron go, the amounts found in the three slices of bacon are negligible. An avocado for example, has 3 grams of protein, unsaturated fat, and a whole slew of other health benefits. So, bacon is not providing much nutrient density while providing considerable amounts of sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fats.

The moral of the story?

I’ve followed a Paleo format for years (not as strict as some out there) and in my opinion bacon shouldn’t be considered a staple in one’s diet. That being said, it also isn’t taboo. Enjoy your bacon. Guilt free and in moderation.
